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Xref: sserve comp.unix.bsd:12886 comp.os.386bsd.development:1392 comp.os.386bsd.bugs:1753 comp.os.386bsd.apps:634 comp.os.386bsd.questions:6633 comp.os.386bsd.misc:1413 Newsgroups: comp.unix.bsd,comp.os.386bsd.development,comp.os.386bsd.bugs,comp.os.386bsd.apps,comp.os.386bsd.questions,comp.os.386bsd.misc Path: sserve!!!constellation!!!!!!!!!jmonroy From: (Jesus Monroy Jr) Subject: [RFD] Election of a new Moderator Message-ID: <> Organization: NETCOM On-line Communication Services (408 241-9760 guest) Date: Tue, 9 Nov 1993 09:13:02 GMT Lines: 107 RFD Request For Discussion Election of a new moderator [-------------------------------------------------------] For the record: I want to plainly state that I do not, and have never avdocated the elimination of NETBSD workgroup, or even that NETBSD should work in a separate newsgroup. The opposite is quite true. If asked, I will state plainly that the work done by the NETBSD group is separate, and of different intent that that of 386BSD (et al.), and that the quality is solely dependent on the author(s) that inscribe their names to it. The management of is not in question. [-------------------------------------------------------] So as a matter of reference I will make the points concisely. When responding please use the point number. Thank you. Point #1 -------- It is all too obvious to the casual observer that the moderator and the author of 386BSD are not on friendly terms. This is a source of conflict. Point #2 -------- Matters of fact don't deprive all the obvious. The moderator is maintaining two jobs that are in direct conflict-of-interest. The job as moderator of "announce" is in conflict with the job(s) concerning NETBSD. Point #3 -------- Further, some of the persons in the NETBSD work group are also not on good terms with the author. The moderator is a member of this group. This is also a source of conflict. Point #4 -------- It is also quite apparent that NETBSD was started in some attempt to circumvent (or offset) the work being awaited by the users of 386BSD 0.1. The reason given is, and continues to be, that NETBSD is a more stable environment to work in. In that NETBSD is not supporting 386bsd this is also a conflict. Point #5 --------- Be it that NETBSD may be the superior product, (so to speak) it is plain that it derives it's roots from previous versions of the BSD operating system, namely 386bsd. However, persons in the NETBSD group continue to down play the works, efforts, and good faith intents of those still involved with 386BSD. This is also a conflict. Point #6 -------- It is also obvious, from statements, that unless articles for "announce" conform to a different criteria they will not be posted. That is, a criteria not wholly compatible with the original intent of the 386bsd newsgroup "announce". This is also a point of conflict. Point #7 -------- "announce" no longer serves the purpose of informing the community of activities, entities, policies or services for or about 386BSD. It is currently confined to articles to the reprehense of 386BSD. Better yet, announcements about "things" for 386BSD do not seem to appear on "announce", hence the moderated group "announce" is not serving the original charter. This is also a conflict. Conclusion ---------- Be it the circumstances that are, either comp.os.386bsd.announce must terminate or the moderator must terminate the plainly-visible conflict-in-interest that is being maintained. ___________________________________________________________________________ Jesus Monroy Jr Zebra Research /386BSD/device-drivers /fd /qic /clock /documentation ___________________________________________________________________________