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Path: sserve!!!news.Hawaii.Edu!ames!agate!!!!torek From: (Chris Torek) Newsgroups: comp.unix.bsd Subject: Re: BSD44 on a SPARC questions Date: 9 Nov 1993 22:15:32 GMT Organization: Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, Berkeley CA Lines: 35 Message-ID: <> References: <> NNTP-Posting-Host: In article <> (roger) writes: >swap_pager_io: wait on swbuf for f80f44e0 (256) These come from a debug printf in the 4.4BSD kernel; they indicate that the swap pager is out of swap buffers and had to wait for a free one. I have no real idea why this is on by default (it is not my code) but it is controlled by the `swpagerdebug' variable. (SPARC-BSD is much happier with at least 16 MB.) >2) compiling the kernel: If you dont define DIAGNOSTIC, then > /sys/sparc/sparc/intr.c wont compile, it is missing the > defines for I_L3, I_GO, and I_L0. Odd. Those should be in <machine/instr.h>. If the copy on the distribution tape is corrupted (due to whatever problem there was in making the tape---this may have been fixed by the pmap.c patch, although I have no way to test it myself), the FTPable version on can be used to update it. > Will the sparc code run if I dont define DIAGNOSTIC and move > those statements inside an if-def for DIAGNOSTIC ? No. >3) attaching another SCSI drive: > Do I have to use SunOS to make partitions on another SCSI > drive ? You have to use SunOS to format and label it, yes. (That code has changed quite a bit since the 4.4BSD release, but as I recall, the release version did not support BSD labels at all.) -- In-Real-Life: Chris Torek, Lawrence Berkeley Lab CSE/EE (+1 510 486 5427) Berkeley, CA Domain: