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Newsgroups: comp.os.386bsd.misc Path: sserve!!!news.Hawaii.Edu!ames!!!!!!alex From: (Alex Dumitru) Subject: Re: [RFD] Election of a new Moderator Sender: (NetNews) Message-ID: <> Date: Tue, 9 Nov 1993 20:38:56 GMT References: <> Nntp-Posting-Host: Organization: HP Panacom Div Waterloo ON Canada X-Newsreader: TIN [version 1.2 PL1.4] Followup-To: comp.os.386bsd.misc Lines: 13 Jesus Monroy Jr ( wrote: : [ ...mucho crappo w/bad grammar deleted... ] Now it might just be me, but the way I interpret any of the *.386bsd.* groups is BSD on Intel (x86) platforms. They are not just for 386BSD... And I'm pretty sure that if you ever finish that QIC40/80 driver of yours Chris would love to announce it to the world. 8-) (excuses of making $$$ and other BS do not count) Oh well! Back in the KILL file you go... alex