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Path: sserve!!!constellation!!!!wupost!!!!!!storm From: (Marc WANDSCHNEIDER) Newsgroups: comp.os.386bsd.misc Subject: Re: newsgroups vs. mailing lists Date: 10 Nov 1993 05:55:35 GMT Organization: SOCS, McGill University, Montreal, Canada Lines: 48 Message-ID: <2bpvon$> References: <> <> <NEWSSERV!STARK!GENE.93Nov8224906@stark.uucp> <> NNTP-Posting-Host: In article <>, Garrett Wollman <> wrote: > >>Yow! I just tried subscribing to the FreeBSD-hackers list for the first >>time, but it was like turning a fire hose on my mailbox. I got over >>120 messages since this morning for a total of about 500k. I gotta get >You think FreeBSD-hackers is bad? > >I get: > >FreeBSD-{hackers,bugs,questions,tz} [.... whine whine whine...] >...and probably some others I've forgotten by now. Today when I came >in at 1:00 to read my mail, I had 200 messages in my mailbox! WIMPS! WHY BACK WHEN I WAS LEARNING ABOUT COMPUTERS, WE GOT OVER 500 MESSAGES AN *HOUR*, AND WE LOVED IT! AND WE WERE THANKFUL WE GOT THEM! AND, TOO BOOT, WE DIDN'T HAVE LOWER CASE LETTERS! IN FACT, WE DIDN'T HAVE *ANY* LETTERS. ALL WE HAD WERE 1'S AND 0'S AND SOMETIMES WE DIDN'T EVEN HAVE THOSE. I RECEIVED AN ENTIRE TRANSCRIPT ONCE FILLED WITH NOTHING BUT THE LETTER O. AND WE *LOVED* IT! AND WE WERE THANKFUL THAT WE COULD DO IT!!! Young whippersnapper wimps these days with your "oooh what a nice mail shell", and "oooh, I like to use my favorite text editor to write my mail." Pshahh. Learn some REAL computer stuff. Toodlepip! Marc 'em. P.s Insert :-) liberally for the humorously challenged. -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Marc Wandschneider Seattle, WA Barney the Dinosaur sings! You faint... Barney sings! Barney sings! --More-- You Die... --More--