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Newsgroups: comp.unix.bsd Path: sserve!!!news.Hawaii.Edu!ames!!!!!cmcl2!!chen04 From: (Jeng-Chung Chen) Subject: Object-Oriented Operating System Message-ID: <> Organization: Polytechnic University, New York Date: Wed, 10 Nov 1993 05:44:58 GMT Lines: 12 Hi, this is Victor Chen . I am a graduate student of Polytechnic University,NY I am doing a project about Object-Oriented operating system . I am stucked now and have no progress at all. I hope someone will tell me anything about Object -Oriented operating system , or the other useful reference papers or books. All I have now is papers from IEEE IPO machine in my school. I found it is kind of difficult to read . Could someone tell me some other easier papers? Thanks very much. Victor Chen