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Newsgroups: comp.os.386bsd.questions Path: sserve!!!constellation!!!!wupost!!!agate!!amd!netcomsv!!alm From: (Andrew Moore) Subject: Re: FPU in FreeBSD? Message-ID: <> Organization: Netcom Online Communications Services (408-241-9760 login: guest) References: <2bo8s7$> Date: Wed, 10 Nov 1993 03:52:05 GMT Lines: 12 In article <2bo8s7$> (Joergen Haegg) writes: >I noticed that some files in gcc was compiled with -NOFPU. >Does this mean that I don't use the FPU in my 486 DX2? > >What should I do to get maximum floating-point performance in FreeBSD >and my own programs? >Is it enough to add '-m486'? You must recompile the compiler without NOFPU. It is being distributed this way to avoid bugs in the current math emulator. (The new math emulator which works correctly is ready to be installed, we are just trying to clear up the wording in the copyright.)