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Xref: sserve comp.os.386bsd.questions:6741 Path: sserve!!!news.Hawaii.Edu!ames!!swrinde!!!!!!!sifon!!storm From: (Marc WANDSCHNEIDER) Newsgroups:,comp.os.386bsd.questions Subject: Re: SUMMARY: FreeBSD vs. Linux Date: 11 Nov 1993 00:34:24 GMT Organization: SOCS, McGill University, Montreal, Canada Lines: 91 Message-ID: <2bs1ag$> References: <2brq1b$> <2brtgj$> NNTP-Posting-Host: X-ORIGINAL-NEWSGROUPS:,comp.os.386bsd.questions In article <2brtgj$>, Curt Sampson <> wrote: >I've haven't really received any useful information on the differences >between the two, but I've now installed both Linux (SLS) and NetBSD >(0.9), so I can tell you a bit about both. IF we're comparing against 0.9, then let's not use 386bsd info, but 0.9 info > >Feature Linux 386BSD >-------------------------------------------------------------------------- >Orientation Similar to SysVr3. Is BSD. > >Internals: > POSIX compliant system calls yes almost > POSIX compliant libraries ??? ??? > System V IPC yes no > Berkeley sockets ??? yes > Shared libraries yes not yet 0.9 doesn't have shared libs, but -current DOES, and ANBYBODY can get at the current sources. > Loadable device drivers no no NetBSD has the lkm stuff. >Security > Shadow passwd yes ??? *BSD uses shadow passwd files as far as I recall > Kerberos no yes I didn't know that :-) >Utilities: > Shells bash, tcsh, ksh sh, csh > Version 7 (eg, ed) yes yes > Berkeley (eg, more) ??? yes > Usenet (eg, perl) yes no (for NetBSD, anyway) HUH? WHile NetBSD doesn't COME with all thse utilities, 95% of them compile without a single line of changed code, and the others are quite simple I've found. >Network: > UUCP Taylor yes, (flavour?) NetBSD uses teh GNU UUCP package was far as I recall. > Basic TCP/IP yes yes > Name Services (DNS) BIND BIND > NIS no no? 0.9 supports clients. DOn't know about servers ALthough we're not allowed to call it NIS since Sun owns the copyright. >Usenet news: > Cnews yes no > NNTP yes no > Newsreaders rn, nn, tin none Every single Linux package comes with these installed? I find this very hard to believe. IF we're just talking about ported software, then all of these run , again, sans trouble (or with little) as a 4.3bsd compile on NetBSD. >X-Windows: yes no It doesn't come with it, but then not all Linux Dists come with it either. There ARE NetBSD 0.9 specifici versions of this, (as are there FreeBSD specific versions...) Your mail seems to make it seem as though there is NO X for NetBSD, which is wrong. I don't really care WHICH OS people use. If they're happy with BSD or Linux, then so be it. *BSD tends to be geared towards the more techincal user as far as I can tell, but this "Our author wears PINK underwear whereas yours wears KHAKI" is a little ridiculous. Toodlepip! Marc 'em. -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Marc Wandschneider Seattle, WA Barney the Dinosaur sings! You faint... Barney sings! Barney sings! --More-- You Die... --More--