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Newsgroups: comp.os.386bsd.questions Path: sserve!!!!olivea!!decwrl!!amd!netcomsv!!alm From: (Andrew Moore) Subject: Re: [FreeBSD] Make Binary Message-ID: <> Organization: Netcom Online Communications Services (408-241-9760 login: guest) References: <2btb3s$> Date: Thu, 11 Nov 1993 23:12:38 GMT Lines: 11 In article <2btb3s$> (Ng Pheng Siong) writes: >1. Installed FreeBSD 1.0. Can you provide more information about your system hardware/configuration and how you installed FreeBSD? Did you try the alternate wd driver? Did you offset the FreeBSD partition from the beginning of the disk, etc? Thanks. -AM PS - Please cc your reply to, so others can see.