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Xref: sserve comp.unix.bsd:12934 comp.os.386bsd.development:1430 comp.os.386bsd.bugs:1803 comp.os.386bsd.apps:674 comp.os.386bsd.questions:6765 comp.os.386bsd.misc:1495 Newsgroups: comp.unix.bsd,comp.os.386bsd.development,comp.os.386bsd.bugs,comp.os.386bsd.apps,comp.os.386bsd.questions,comp.os.386bsd.misc Path: sserve!!!news.Hawaii.Edu!ames!!usc!!!!!!shad From: (Hanse ShadowSpawn) Subject: Re: Evidence to the moderators conflict-of-interest Message-ID: <> Sender: (USENET News System) Organization: Iowa State University, Ames IA References: <CGD.93Nov10041331@eden.CS.Berkeley.EDU> <> Date: Thu, 11 Nov 1993 05:00:07 GMT Lines: 53 This discussion is getting ridiculous (sp?). (BTW: My spelling and grammar may not be excellent, I've been up for roughly 22 hours.) I know that many people have suggested that we just ignore this conversation which I agree is the best course, but I couldn't help myself. Jesus: A comment about someone's poor grammar (from your point of view) is not a proper response to an argument or statement by another person. Perhaps an argumentation/debate/discussion class could help teach you that. Try well-founded arguments, cite facts, examples, etc., and not say (paraphrased) "Failure to do such-and-such is proof of your conflict-of-interest." From what I can tell from what you're saying, if the moderator defends himself in any way shape or form it is a conflict of interest. Have you ever walked into a court room and seen a defendant being told he has no right to defend himself? I highly doubt it...not in America anyway. I have heard nothing out of Chris but reasonable explanations of what he's done and calm, cool responses to your ranting and raving. You don't sound like someone who's trying to argue a legitimate point, you sound like a little baby kicking and screaming because he wants his way, or at least like a bully saying 'give me what I want or else'. You don't listen with any kind of open mind it doesn't seem you even care what Chris (and since this "discussion" has continued for so long, anybody else) has said. "Why do you write these horrible sentences?" is not a decent response. It is a child's way of confronting an issue or statement for which he has no reply. I had no trouble at all with any of the messages Chris sent (reading them that is). If you can't read them as posted, read them as if he were speaking to you. There are some sentences which simply aren't worth the time to translate from the way they were meant to be spoken and the way they should be written to get the emotions across. Anyway, I've rambled on long enough on this issue. Chris seems to be argueing in a professional manner. Jesus is spending too much time bickering (bickering != argueing) and picking fights. Pay attention to what is being said, not what is being typed in to the computer. Read, listen, and think before responding. Actually, as I'm fairly new to the newsgroups I'm unclear on a certain point. Is this the place for this discussion? It actually sounds like it's more appropriate for alt.flame. Maybe it's just me, but I read this group to hear about *BSD apps, upgrades, etc., and not to hear ONE PERSON (not a group, just one person) yelling to overthrough the current moderator of another newsgroup. -----------------------Marcus I. Ryan ( "Republicans understand the importance of bondage between a mother and child." -- Vice President Dan Quayle ------------------------------------------------------------------------------