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Path: sserve!!!!!!not-for-mail From: (George P. Swanton) Newsgroups: comp.os.386bsd.misc Subject: [CFV] Call for Vows Date: 11 Nov 1993 19:33:09 -0600 Organization: UTexas Mail-to-News Gateway Lines: 40 Sender: Message-ID: <> NNTP-Posting-Host: Let us all swear a sacred oath: By Lex and Yacc I swear, I will read not the words of The Insane One lest his Insanity come upon me, Nor will I read the follow-ups thereto lest I be tempted to follow-up also. Yea, I will hearken not unto his ravings for they are a blinding mist that obscureth the mind and dulleth the senses, But Reason, Sanity and Usr/Bin/Spell are greater than The Insane One and thus he shall be cast out from among us Forever. I have weakened and responded to his inane drivel (he's just so *annoying*) But will do so no more! He feeds on attention, lets all just ignore him. ================================================ To help me keep my pledge I'll be filtering him out and propose we all do the same. If he leaves you no choice but to respond, please include an attribution raves: or the like so it's easy to kill *anything* to do with him. Also a question: Can rn kill *silently and invisibly* so you never even know he was there? (We don't seem to have an rn man page.) Or maybe: Everyone focus and repeat in your mind, spontaneous human combustion, concentrate now, spontaneous human com...