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Newsgroups: comp.unix.bsd Path: sserve!!!news.Hawaii.Edu!ames!!usc!!!!!!cuugnet!heinlein!thompson From: (Bruce Thompson 295-5967(w) or 229-3370(h)) Subject: Re: How to cause preemption under Unix??? Sender: Message-ID: <> In-Reply-To: olson@osiris's message of 10 Nov 93 20:02:47 PST Date: Sat, 13 Nov 1993 07:04:24 GMT References: <> Organization: Calgary UNIX User's Group Lines: 19 In article <> olson@osiris (Brian Olson) writes: Does anyone know of a way (system call, etc.) that a running process may voluntarily give-up the CPU? That is, is there a way for the active process to cause a context switch to be performed, while still leaving itself in the ready queue? While not strictly speaking precisely what you asked for, I've used usleep(3) for that purpose. usleep with an argument of 0 should effectively wake your process back up immediately, at the back of the ready queue of course. Cheers, Bruce. -- Bruce Thompson, |I do not speak for CUUG, ACTC Technologies, Software Development Engineer,|Renegade Legion nor NAPRA, just myself. ACTC Technologies Inc. |"So this is it, we're going to die!" Renegade Legion, NAPRA #473 | -- Dent Arthur Dent