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Path: sserve!!!news.Hawaii.Edu!ames!!usc!!pipex!uknet!mcsun!ieunet!!jkh From: (Jordan K. Hubbard) Newsgroups: comp.os.386bsd.bugs Subject: Re: [FreeBSD1.0] keyboard is gone Date: 13 Nov 1993 09:27:44 GMT Organization: Lotus Development Ireland Lines: 28 Distribution: world Message-ID: <> References: <2bvp3q$> NNTP-Posting-Host: In-reply-to:'s message of 12 Nov 1993 10:38:50 GMT In article <2bvp3q$> (Lars Hentschke) writes: under X someone has stolen my keyboard (aprox. after 2 hours), i've got my mouse and downed my X. arrived on my console keyboard is ok, startx, everything ok. That is very strange - you're using syscons, you have only gettys on /dev/ttyvXX, you're using XFree86 2.0... Hmmmmmm! It works *great* for me! It must be something else lurking in the background. What else can you tell me about your setup? xconsole runs ok, floppy errors are displayed, but no talk-requests. That's not for xconsole to do anyway - talk requests go directly to the `users' logged in on vtys and xterms. under other users: xconsole says "cant open console" and displays nothing Needs to be suid root! Jordan -- (Jordan K. Hubbard),, I do not speak for Lotus, nor am I even a Lotus employee. I am an independent contractor.