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Path: sserve!!!constellation!!!!wupost!!!eff!!!ai-lab!!mycroft From: (Charles Hannum) Newsgroups: comp.os.386bsd.misc Subject: Re: Status on discussed merge between NetBSD and FreeBSD Date: 14 Nov 1993 19:09:30 GMT Organization: MIT Artificial Intelligence Lab Lines: 623 Message-ID: <> References: <> <> <> <> <> NNTP-Posting-Host: In-reply-to:'s message of Sun, 14 Nov 1993 18:23:43 GMT or messages from mycroft that have: From: Charles Hannum <> Subject: Re: bootblocks, AST Bravo's, what is DEBUG_VECTOR ? You are such a cocky prick, I wonder if I should even bother to explain why you are wrong. I note that you failed to cite what that was in reply to. Maybe I should refresh your memory. >From: (Bruce Evans) >Subject: Re: bootblocks, AST Bravo's, what is DEBUG_VECTOR ? > >Aargh. This was correct in my orignal version, but it got broken for >NetBSD. You must have got it from an unreliable source :-). I noticed that not even a single person publicly voiced that Bruce shouldn't have made such a snide remark. And in fact, what he said later in that message was wrong, to boot. Ah. So you *don't* want "your" system to be free, you don't want it to be picked up by other people, and you don't want to share stuff that's been contributed to you. You of course ignored the point. NetBSD is available to *anyone* who wants it. What is not available to FreeBSD groupies is the choice of picking carefully through our changes to find the things they want or need. Maybe I should post Jordan's .bash_history from sun-lamp. (In fact, I think I will. He left it world-readable, after all.) Real open. The "net" out of "netbsd" *did* mean that it was to be open to basicly anyone who wanted to participate, didn't it? And it still is. However, the FreeBSD people participate in FreeBSD, not NetBSD, and we have no obligation to support them in their commercial effort. Now: I've not seen any of the freebsd people publicly claim that freebsd is "better." Then you're not paying attention. I've seen it many times, and it gets damned tiring. Oh, and yeah: tell me why you removed me? Because you are extremely caustic, and we don't trust you? Sounds like a good reason to me. Or are you making it not free? The only people making money off of our code is Walnut Creek, and anyone they decide to send part of the proceeds to. Tell me... what have you been doing on your freefall account? Somehow I can't believe you were checking in changes for freebsd... Chris has in fact done exactly that, and I have donated changes to FreeBSD also. Uhm, hate to tell you this, buddy, but the shared libraries are still being tested. Well, after listening to stories about random segmentation faults, panics, and various other problems associated with people installing shared libraries under FreeBSD, I find it just a bit hard to believe that they were tested *at all* before being put in their source tree. Am I the only one who sees similarities between this and the jolitzes? No. That the FreeBSD people take code from us and do not contribute back is very reminescent of Jolitz. As mentioned, the .bash_history Jordan left world-readable. Note that the only thing he's done is pull changes from our source tree. Why should we donate cycles and code to the (commercial) FreeBSD effort? wall wall wall wall wall cd /usr/src/sbin/fsck\ ls cat Makefile w w exit cd /usr/src/sbin ls grep FASTLINK */*.[ch] tar cvzf ~/dump.tar.gz dump tar cvzfX ~/dump.tar.gz - dump cd ls cd /usr/src/sbin tar cvzXf - ~/dump.tar.gz tar cvzXf - ~/dump.tar.gz dump tar cvzXf - ~/dump.tar.gz dump tar cvzXf - ~/fsck.tar.gz fsck vi ~/.rhosts exit cat .rhosts cvs commit exit ls /sys/sys/con* ls /sys/sys/kd* exit w date exit from inc show vi ~/.forward next kn kn kn ls /sys/i386/isa ls /sys ls /sys/arch ls /sys/arch/i386/isa exit ls rm slat.tar.gz ufs.tar.gz isofs.tar.gz fsck.tar.gz dump.tar.gz df w cd /usr/include/sys ls cd /usr/include/netinet moire in.h more in.h ftp dd if=tk3.3b2.tar.Z bs=1 skip=1098584 of=rest ls cd dd if=tk3.3b2.tar.Z bs=1 skip=1098584 of=rest ls -l tk3.3b2.tar.Z rest dc bc dd if=rest bs=128 of=xxx rm xxx dd if=rest bs=1b of=xxx dd if=rest bs=128 of=xxx count=1 dd if=rest bs=128 of=xxx count=1 skip=1 dd if=rest bs=128 of=xxx count=1 skip=2 dd if=rest bs=128 of=xxx count=2 dd if=rest bs=128 of=xxx count=4 dd if=rest bs=128 of=xxx skip=2 count=2 od -c xxx ls -l xxx dd if=xxx bs=64 count=1 of=yyy dd if=xxx bs=64 skip=1 count=1 of=yyy dd if=xxx bs=64 skip=2 count=1 of=yyy dd if=xxx bs=64 skip=3 count=1 of=yyy dd if=xxx bs=64 skip=4 count=1 of=yyy rm yyy ls -l xxx dd if=xxx bs=128 count=1 of=yyy dd if=xxx bs=128 count=1 skip=1 of=yyy rm yyy xxx ls dd if=rest bs=128 of=xxx skip=2 count=2 dd if=rest bs=128 of=xxx skip=2 count=1 dd if=rest bs=128 of=xxx skip=2 count=2 dd if=rest bs=128 of=xxx skip=3 count=1 dd if=rest bs=128 of=xxx skip=2 count=2 ls mv xxx killer_chunk gzip -9v rest ls uncompress -v rest.z gunzip[ rest.z gunzip rest.z ls -l rest exit cd /b/os/mach3/src/mk/kernel/i386/ ls ls fp* exit w frm from cat ~/.forward exit cat .rhosts w cd ~sup exec csh w locate wish df ls /kern ps aux exit w date w exit ls w exit w vi ~/.rhosts cd /usr/src ls cd sys w ./bash pwd ls cd arch ls cd sun3 ls more STATUS cd ./bash exit exit w cd /usr/src/sys ls ls cd arch ls cd pc532 ls ls pc532 ls dev more dev/aic more dev/aic.c export TERM=vt100 more dev/aic.c ls ls conf more conf/devices.pc532 ls cd .. ls cd amiga ls more README.first ls cd amiga ls cd ../dev ls more gvp11dma.c w w cd /usr/src ls cd sys ls cd ~ftp ls cd pub ls cd NetBSD-currentls cd NetBSD-current ls cd tar_files ls cd src ls cd /sys/i386/conf cd /sys/arch/i386/conf ls more GENERICAHBBT ls cd .. ls exit w exit w df ls/f ls /f ls /d ls /c df | awk '{ cnt += $2 } END { printf( df | awk '{ cnt += $2 } END { printf("cnt = %d\n", $cnt); 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