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Newsgroups: comp.os.386bsd.misc Path: sserve!!!constellation!!!!!pipex!uunet!virtech!dwex From: (David E. Wexelblat) Subject: Re: Status on discussed merge between NetBSD and FreeBSD Message-ID: <> Organization: AIB Software, Inc. References: <> <> <CGD.93Nov14085627@eden.CS.Berkeley.EDU> Date: Sun, 14 Nov 1993 23:47:03 GMT Lines: 46 Now, normally, I try to stay out of this BSD-du-jour crap, but... In article <CGD.93Nov14085627@eden.CS.Berkeley.EDU> cgd@eden.CS.Berkeley.EDU (Chris G. Demetriou) writes: >sure, if you pick up -current *EVERY NIGHT* occasionally you'll lose, but: > we've had perfectly working shared libs running for going > on 2 weeks; they still don't have it right. We have > shared XFree86. They have linker problems. Leave us the hell OUT of this ego-bashing bullshit. Especially when you are posting either misinformation or lies (I don't know if you are aware of the facts, so I won't come straight out an accuse you of lying). NetBSD shared libraries for XFree86 do NOT work. At least, they don't work for anything built with libXt, which is, oh, about 90% of the applications. There have been at least 3 different attempts to get shared libraries working right, but it's not there yet. > >chris >-- >chris g. demetriou > > smarter than your average clam. Posts like this make me think may be right, heaven forbid. I wonder why you people feel the need to try to outdo each other all the time. Pick a niche and stick to it. Or get together. For all of the differences over the last few months, there are no serious bad feelings between XFree86 and XS3 (in fact, Amancio and I talked on the phone for a while just his past week). If we can do it, why the hell can't you? You ALL look absolutely rediculous. With the total anarchy of Linux, and the alternate insanity of BSD-du-jour, I'll just stick to my old-fashioned, expensive, but QUIET commercial operating system. -- David Wexelblat <> (703) 430-9247 Fax: (703) 450-4560 AIB Software, Inc., 46030 Manekin Plaza, Suite 160, Dulles, VA 20166 Formerly Virtual Technologies, Inc. Mail regarding XFree86 should be sent to <> "Ooh, are you feelin' satisfied? Come on, let us give your mind a ride." -- Boston, "Feelin' Satisfied"