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Newsgroups: comp.os.386bsd.misc Path: sserve!!!constellation!!!!wupost!!uunet!virtech!dwex From: (David E. Wexelblat) Subject: Re: JetBSD and SharkBSD??? Message-ID: <> Organization: AIB Software, Inc. References: <haley.753308115@scws3> Date: Mon, 15 Nov 1993 04:42:53 GMT Lines: 34 In article <haley.753308115@scws3> (Elizabeth Haley) writes: >Once again, it seems that it is time for people to be generally angry >at each other. > >Why? Certain parties seem to enjoy it. > >Jordan implies that there will be no merger between the NetBSD and >FreeBSD groups because of fundamental differences of opinion. But NOT >about technical issues??????? > >Why? Technical issues are absolutely the SIMPLEST things to resolve. Egos, hurt feelings, religion, etc, can almost never be overcome. >-- >You are what you forgot about. Revenge is a beer served warm. >|[{(<=--=>)}]|David Charles Todd, tHE mAN wITH tHREE fIRST nAMES|[{(<=--=>)}]| >||||||||||||||||||||||||hacksaw@gerbils.not.on.internet||||||||||||||||||||||| > -- David Wexelblat <> (703) 430-9247 Fax: (703) 450-4560 AIB Software, Inc., 46030 Manekin Plaza, Suite 160, Dulles, VA 20166 Formerly Virtual Technologies, Inc. Mail regarding XFree86 should be sent to <> "Ooh, are you feelin' satisfied? Come on, let us give your mind a ride." -- Boston, "Feelin' Satisfied"