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Xref: sserve comp.periphs.scsi:15328 comp.os.386bsd.questions:6869 comp.unix.osf.osf1:1398 Newsgroups: comp.periphs.scsi,comp.os.386bsd.questions,comp.unix.osf.osf1 Path: sserve!!!constellation!!!!!!!sgiblab!a2i!lps From: (Kevin Martinez) Subject: Re: Driver for Adaptec 274xT Message-ID: <> Keywords: scsi adaptec driver Sender: (Usenet News) Nntp-Posting-Host: bolero Organization: a2i network References: <> <> Date: Mon, 15 Nov 1993 05:44:38 GMT Lines: 29 In <> (Kai Uwe Rommel) writes: > (Heas) writes in article <>: >>hi all, >>I am looking for a PD driver for an Adaptec 274x[T] EISA SCSI card. >>This is the new 2 channel + floppy SCSI card which replaces the 174x. It >>features a new 29 bit RISC based processor. > ^^^^^^ >Are you sure about this? :-) >Kai Uwe Rommel >-- >/* Kai Uwe Rommel Muenchen, Germany * > * CompuServe 100265,2651 * > * Fax +49 89 324 4524 */ >DOS ... is still a real mode only non-reentrant interrupt >handler, and always will be. -Russell Williams According to Adaptec docs, it is a 29 bit sequencer or state machine. Kevin Martinez -- File not found Loading something similar... GS/M -d+(-) -p+(-) c++ l+ u e+ m---(*) s++/++ n+(--) h f+ g++(-) w+ t- r++ y? GCS/O d- -p+ c+ !l u+ e+ m+ s++/ !n(---) h f+ g+ w+++ t+ r(-) y?