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Newsgroups: comp.os.386bsd.questions Path: sserve!!!news.Hawaii.Edu!ames!!!nih-csl!!crtb From: (Chuck Bacon) Subject: Re: Buslogic 742 Message-ID: <> Sender: (AMDS Postmaster) Organization: National Institutes of Health, Bethesda References: <> <> Date: Mon, 15 Nov 1993 19:13:32 GMT Lines: 48 In article <> (Rob Mallory) writes: >Rob Mallory [] >ps: I got a kick out of the "using Kermit to get the base-system"[sic] > line in the latest install_doc of freebsd! what would that work out > to, around 4.5 hours without any errors at 1222cps? Actually, thats > probably a good tradeoff for 13 disks.. Same goes for the X86 dist! > ....something to sleep on I used Kermit a week ago to load 81 files of 240640 bytes each (about 19.4MB), and it took 3hrs 4min. These were chunks of a .tgz file, compressed. If your Kermit isn't up to date with long packets, sliding windows and settable control code prefixing, upgrade now! The computers: A Sun IPC sending via telnetted Cisco term. server connected at 38.4 kbps; a 486DX33, 8MB, FreeBSD-release, sio tty driver at 19.2 kbps, IDE disks. Kermit 5A(189) at both ends, as follows: 3000 byte packets 3 windows carefully tuned control code prefixes no eighth bit prefixing block check 3 RTS/CTS flow control 1742 file cps efficiency 91% Modem and phone line: Connected to the FreebSD system at 19.2 kbps, an AT&T 3820 modem, running V.32terbo (19.2 kbps) + V.42bis. A *LOCAL* call to the Sun (through a terminal server). I didn't run at 38.4 kbps because experience showed me I lose. Since then I downloaded another bunch of split .tgz files for XFree86, about 12.4 MB. Kermit reported 1hr 57min, 1769 cps, 92% efficiency. Since that time, I've catted and ungtarred all of it, with no errors. I did both batches overnight. At those rates, I'd quite willingly download 48 MB of compressed .tgz file chunks overnight. At about 6 MB per hour, a good night's sleep. Chuck Bacon - PS: C&P Phone Co. doesn't charge by the minute, just by the call 8^) -- Chuck Bacon - ( alas, not my 3b1 )-: ABHOR SECRECY - DEFEND PRIVACY