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Path: sserve!!!news.Hawaii.Edu!ames!agate!!pipex!sunic!!klaava!klaava!not-for-mail From: torvalds@klaava.Helsinki.FI (Linus Torvalds) Newsgroups: comp.os.386bsd.questions Subject: Re: Can I use the BSD net code with Linux? Date: 17 Nov 1993 15:39:03 +0200 Organization: University of Helsinki Lines: 26 Message-ID: <2cd9hn$iis@klaava.Helsinki.FI> References: <2bojt3$> NNTP-Posting-Host: In article <2bojt3$>, Chad Dougherty <> wrote: > I remember seeing somewhere that people were using the net code from >386bsd in Linux. I was wondering if someone could give me some more >information about this. I have been using the Linux NET-2 code for some >time now and am somewhat frustrated about the instability of it. Can >someone direct me to a source of the port? Thanx.. There was some work being done on a BSD net-2 port to linux, but it seems to have fizzled out - I had a report of a working BSD net code version, but it had some weird problems, probably due to the different way BSD does some things (interrupt priority levels being suspect etc). I didn't pursue the port any closer, as there were problems (notably the legal stuff with Novell). That said, there are linux ALPHA kernels available which seem to be rather stable even in the networking department: I have heard very few bad comments about them (and they have for a change been fs-related: there were some changes in the filesystem that seem to have backfired). As always, my latest kernels can be found on in the directory pub/OS/Linux/PEOPLE/Linus (currently the latest one is 'pl13r' and is two days old). Sorry for posting in a 386bsd group, Linus