*BSD News Article 25015

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From: lpeters@scratchy.hq.af.mil (Leslie D. Peters)
Newsgroups: comp.os.386bsd.questions
Subject: Re: Is it possible to get more than 8 man directories ??
Date: 15 Dec 1993 12:45:54 GMT
Organization: Defense Information Service Agency
Lines: 25
Distribution: world
Message-ID: <2en0u2$83s@hq.hq.af.mil>
References: <2eakgd$81g@nwfocus.wa.com>
Reply-To: lpeters@scratchy.hq.af.mil
NNTP-Posting-Host: scratchy.hq.af.mil

In article <2eakgd$81g@nwfocus.wa.com>, daniel@halcyon.com (Daniel Jordan) writes:
|>   I am wondering what to do with additional man pages i get.
|>  I have been placing them in, say... man1 or someplace that seems appropriate.
|>  However, what i would like is to be able to place additional topics into an
|> addition directory.  For example: i install TeX, so all the manual pages should
|> go into man9.  etc.
|>  If anyone has insights or solutions, please let me know.
|> -dan

I have placed the man pages from 'warez acquired fron the 'Net into
manl (Lima) for local.  From the docs on man, there is also a 'new'
area mann (November).

|"...I have pores: humans have pores.  I have fingerprints: humans have  |
|fingerprints.  My chemical nutrients are like your blood.  If you prick |
|me, do I not........leak?"                                              |
| - Data to Capt Picard, Star Trek: The Next Generation "The Naked Now"  |
|    Les Peters(lpeters@scratchy.hq.af.mil) Proud to run NetBSD 0.9!     |