*BSD News Article 25039

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From: j@uriah.sax.de (J Wunsch)
Newsgroups: comp.os.386bsd.questions
Subject: Re: Compilando para XWindows
Date: 15 Dec 1993 17:15:36 +0100
Organization: Private U**X site; member IN e.V.
Lines: 25
Message-ID: <2end78INN3ug@bonnie.sax.de>
References: <CHtI19.5MB@inf.uc3m.es>
NNTP-Posting-Host: bonnie.sax.de

In <CHtI19.5MB@inf.uc3m.es> rcalzada@inf.uc3m.es (Rafael Calzada) writes:

>	He intentado compilar el XFTP para XWindows pero he tenido
>	algun que otro problema, ahora estoy atascado porque no encuentro
>	un fichero de cabecera, concretamente
>	X11/xpm.h

>	lo he buscado en /usr/include, /util_HP/khoros, etc

Sorry, i don't speak spanish:-(  But from what i'm reading, your xftp
is looking for the X Pixmap library. This is a library for handling
color pixmaps, and it's unfortunately not part of the MIT core distrib-
ution. You'll need to get it separately (e.g. from the contrib directory
of exports.lcs.mit.edu), its name is ``xpm'' (maybe xpm.tar.gz, or also

Once you have compiled and installed this package, you should be able
to compile your application.

in real life: J"org Wunsch |   )  o o  | primary: joerg_wunsch@tcd-dresden.de
above 1.8 MHz:   DL 8 DTL  |    )  |   | private: joerg_wunsch@uriah.sax.de
                           | . * ) ==  |
          ``An elephant is a mouse with an operating system.''