*BSD News Article 25462

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Path: sserve!newshost.anu.edu.au!munnari.oz.au!sgiblab!swrinde!elroy.jpl.nasa.gov!ames!skates.gsfc.nasa.gov!hq.hq.af.mil!dms1!admin2
From: admin2@gad3b2.hq.af.mil (SrA Bob Huffman;57137)
Newsgroups: comp.unix.bsd
Subject: Re: FreeBSD and Deskjet
Date: 31 Dec 1993 01:35:04 GMT
Organization: 7th Communications Group, Wash D.C.
Lines: 28
Message-ID: <2fvvk8$np6@hq.hq.af.mil>
References: <1993Dec27.210641.26376@sinkhole.unf.edu>
NNTP-Posting-Host: dms1.hq.af.mil
X-Newsreader: TIN [version 1.2 PL0]

Joseph Dougherty (jdough@sinkhole.unf.edu) wrote:


: 	However, I'm experienceing a problem I had previously under Linux.
: When I pipe straight text to my HP Deskjet 500 on paralleldevice
: /dev/lpa0, the printer prints one line of text, then spits out numerous
: blank pages before quitting. Someone once mailed me a script file that set
: up some kind of filter that made this work correctly, but it's long been lost.
: If anyone has a clue as to how to fix this, I'd appreciate some e-mail.
: 	Thanks.

: Joe Dougherty
: University of North Florida	
: jdough@unf6.cis.unf.edu (preferred) cop0812@unf1vm.cis.unf.edu

Please send it to me also...

~~~ SrA Bob Huffman            | AT&T 3B2 System Administrator for the   ~~~
~~~ Internet Mail:             | DMS US Air Force Project.               ~~~
~~~ admin2@dms1.hq.af.mil  or  | 7CG/SMCTR Pentagon Washington DC 20330  ~~~
~~~ admin2@[]    | Phone: DSN 225-7137   COMM 703-695-7137 ~~~