*BSD News Article 2554

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Newsgroups: comp.unix.bsd
Path: sserve!manuel!munnari.oz.au!uunet!mcsun!Germany.EU.net!news.uni-bielefeld.de!ugewa001
From: ugewa001@unibi.uni-bielefeld.de (0134)
Subject: can't extract src01 and serial line problem
Message-ID: <1992Jul27.072554.14115@unibi.uni-bielefeld.de>
Sender: ugewa001@unibi.uni-bielefeld.de
Date: Mon, 27 Jul 92 07:25:54 GMT
Organization: Universitaet Bielefeld
Keywords: src01, serial line, stty, extract
Followup-To: comp.unix.bsd
Lines: 33

Hi there

I have been playing with bsd0.1 for a couple of days now and it's great,
but ...

I can't extrat the src01 distribution.

I put all the src01 files in the /tmp directory and then run extract.
It runs for about 20 mins, checks the files, then says something about
being almost ready and then quits. It complains about 
the missing file /tmp/install.src01

I have tried another src01 pack, (the first was from gatekeeper) but 
the results remain the same.

The other one is probably even more basic. I have a Epson Lq-850 on the serial
line. Now I want to tell /dev/com2 to go into cs8,-parenb,-istrip mode. How can
this trick be done with bsd0.1. I am not familiar with the BSD-way of 
installing printers. (as you see)

Any help greatly appreciated

Folker Meyer                      * "God is real,
Universitaet Bielefeld            *  unless declared integer."