*BSD News Article 26005

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From: storm@cs.mcgill.ca (Marc WANDSCHNEIDER)
Newsgroups: comp.os.386bsd.questions,comp.windows.x.i386unix
Subject: Re: If you were to assemble a new machine...
Date: 14 Jan 1994 04:45:24 GMT
Organization: SOCS, McGill University, Montreal, Canada
Lines: 25
Message-ID: <2h5814$klh@homer.cs.mcgill.ca>
References: <1994Jan12.161313@unccsun.uncc.edu> <crt.758474839@tiamat.umd.umich.edu> <2h49e2$fde@homer.cs.mcgill.ca> <2h4j51$qo6@hamilton.maths.tcd.ie>
NNTP-Posting-Host: mnementh.cs.mcgill.ca

In article <2h4j51$qo6@hamilton.maths.tcd.ie>,
Timothy Murphy <tim@maths.tcd.ie> wrote:
>Rob Shady <crt@tiamat.umd.umich.edu> wrote:
>>Seagate 9GB SCSI Drive				$3500
>Can you really get a 9GB drive for $3500 ?
>We'd be really interested to know where.

	they aren't out yet, but Seagate has a new 9GB 5.25FH
	disk drive coming out early this year.  last i saw,
	american pricing [in bulk i believe] was about 3500$
	a unit...

	quite honestly, i think it's a little big given today's
	operating systems and stuff, but people'll buy e'm.....

							marc' em.
Marc Wandschneider					    Seattle, WA
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