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Xref: sserve comp.os.386bsd.development:1704 comp.os.linux.development:4813 comp.periphs:4925 comp.realtime:4438 comp.unix.bsd:13302 Newsgroups: comp.os.386bsd.development,comp.os.linux.development,,,comp.periphs,comp.realtime,,comp.unix.bsd Path: sserve!!!!!!usc!!decwrl!amd!netcomsv!netcomsv!!jmonroy From: (Jesus Monroy Jr) Subject: The DMA problem again! Message-ID: <> Followup-To: comp.os.386bsd.development,,comp.periphs Keywords: DMA overrun RAM refresh FDC problem Organization: NETCOM On-line Communication Services (408 241-9760 guest) Date: Thu, 20 Jan 1994 12:28:28 GMT Lines: 128 The DMA problem again! ---------------------- To begin with I have cross-posted this problem quite widely. The intent is to (perhaps) find a reasonable answer for all persons involved. Please note -though- that I have limited the "follow-up". I am well aware that some persons monitor more than one "newsgroup". :-) ---------------------oOo-------------------- Indeed, the contention that the DRAM refresh (for the IBM PC-AT) collides with data transfers of DMA dependent devices (ie. the floppy drive) seems to be in dispute. Truely, remarks by myself ridiculing the notion that "cosmic rays" and "alpha particles" being major contributors to this problem have been less than completely called for. For this, at this time, I do apologize to any person, or persons, to which my un-called for remarks may have been placed. ---------------------oOo-------------------- On to the more important issue! ---------------------oOo-------------------- Upon remarking to a friend about problem, his recommendation was to take the scientific approach. I queried for a better details. His suggestion was that some tests be constructed so that conclusive answers to the problem can be made. This all seems reasonable; so as was suggested by someone on the '386bsd' newsgroups a "production-level" driver should be written. I am now formally volunteering to do this work. I also will gladly accept the comments and suggestions of anyone concerning this item. However, in order to determine the best method of design I am throwing out some ideas for tests that will show evidence to the DMA problem. (One way or another) ---------------------oOo-------------------- Device Criteria for Test: ------------------------- 1) The RAM refresh is controlled, on many AT-type machines, by the DMA controller on channel 0 and the (PIT) Timer on channel 1. 2) Devices like the FDC (floppy drive controller) make abundant use of this facility and would make good test platform since most people have them on there PC type machines. So to make this clear, I am suggesting the reprogramming of the DMA, the PIT and the FDC (for test purposes only). Possible methods for testing: ----------------------------- 1) One of the best and most popular methods for testing is the burn-in test. (Forgive me if you know this by another name.) In this type of test a device is tested repeatedly -without stoppage- for a determined amount of time. This is good because this type of test can be repeated often and the results are easily verifiable by previous tests. However, this method is not generally great since the DMA problem seems to be happening at non-determinant times. 2) Another popular method is a rapid-burn test.(Forgive me again for the possible name unfamiliarity.) In this method the device (or devices) in-use are run at an accelerated pace so that the life expectancy can be determined. This is good because a determination of typical failures can be made from this method. What this general says though is that there is a determinable method for responding to failures. However, running PC's at high temperatures tends to cause problems on it's own. So, this may not be the best method. 3) I don't know a name for this test, so I'll call it a 'bump and grind' test. (Please excuse the innuendo). As suggested, the test is a rapid start/stop test. This method proves a reasonable method since it shows stress conditions under abnormal circumstances. This is good because it is abnormality we are looking for. However, this test does not guarantee that our problem is in this subset (or domain), so the results are at best only suggestive. Analogous examples to previous methods -------------------------------------- 1. Running a car engine in the Monaco 500 at 55 mph for two weeks. 2. Running a car engine in the Indy 500 at 500 mph for two days with an ambient air temperature of 150 degrees fahrenheit. 3. Beating a hammer on the fender of this "foo" car. ---------------------oOo-------------------- I have other ideas, but I'd like to hear from you. Please mail me if you are unsure of anything I've said. I would be only too happy to make clarifications. If you understand, please thread to this article, but don't mail me. ___________________________________________________________________________ Jesus Monroy Jr Zebra Research /386BSD/device-drivers /fd /qic /clock /documentation ___________________________________________________________________________ -- Jesus Monroy Jr Zebra Research /386BSD/device-drivers /fd /qic /clock /documentation ___________________________________________________________________________