*BSD News Article 2738

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Path: sserve!manuel!munnari.oz.au!uunet!pipex!demon!gate.demon.co.uk!ronald
Newsgroups: comp.unix.bsd
From: ronald@gate.demon.co.uk (Ronald Khoo)
References: <1992Jul24.172258.30400@davidsys.com> <14upkcINN9fb@agate.berkeley.edu>
Organization: Demon Internet Services.
X-Mailer: Mail User's Shell (7.2.4 2/2/92)
Subject: Re: Help: Routing Problem on 386BSD
Cc: "William F. Jolitz" <wjolitz@soda.berkeley.edu>
Date: Wed, 29 Jul 1992 15:54:06 +0000
Message-ID: <9207291645.aa11822@gate.demon.co.uk>
Sender: usenet@gate.demon.co.uk
Lines: 22

wjolitz@soda.berkeley.edu (William F. Jolitz) wrote:

> By default, BSD system's *DON'T* act as routers, primarily for network
> security reasons

The reasons are specified in RFC 1122 HOST REQUIREMENTS.  Please do NOT
change the default behaviour.  This is REQUIRED.  I quote:

[ from RFC 1122 3.1 INTRODUCTION ]

      [ ... ] Any host that forwards datagrams generated by another host is
      acting as a gateway and MUST also meet the specifications laid out
      in the gateway requirements RFC [INTRO:2].  An Internet host that
      includes embedded gateway code MUST have a configuration switch to
      disable the gateway function, and this switch MUST default to the
      non-gateway mode. [ ... ]

Ronald Khoo <ronald@demon.co.uk> <ronald@ibmpcug.co.uk> <ronald@robobar.co.uk>
BTNet: +44 71 229 7741                    | Brambles are the order of the day.