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Path: sserve!!!!!!usc!!agate!!!!!garbled From: (Tim Rightnour) Newsgroups: comp.os.386bsd.apps Subject: XVIEW 3.2 Date: 13 Feb 1994 20:36:56 GMT Organization: SFC Lines: 10 Distribution: world Message-ID: <2jm318$> NNTP-Posting-Host: I am currently working on a XView3.2 port to netbsd-current So far its gone well.. and as a matter of fact.. it is nearly complete.. But it will take me about 3-4 days to finish it off and place it into tars. Just a warning.. my first try was without shared libs. the clock bin came out to 1.2 megs trust me.. use current with the shared libs if you want Xview..