*BSD News Article 28298

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Xref: sserve comp.unix.programmer:15634 comp.unix.bsd:13559
Newsgroups: comp.unix.programmer,comp.unix.bsd
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From: vancleef@netcom.com (Henry van Cleef)
Subject: TPI document (was Re: Detecting dead client in BSD socket)
Message-ID: <vancleefCMD52A.4Aw@netcom.com>
Keywords: socket bsd death
Organization: Union Graduate School
References: <1994Mar3.154852.24090@il.us.swissbank.com> <2l92ia$hrd@u.cc.utah.edu> <1994Mar5.142417.28947@noao.edu>
Date: Tue, 8 Mar 1994 20:32:33 GMT
Lines: 24

In article <1994Mar5.142417.28947@noao.edu> rstevens@noao.edu (W. Richard Stevens) writes:
>Socket libraries on systems such as SVR4 are *not* built on top of TLI.
>This is a fundamental misconception that is continually repeated.  Sockets
>are built on top of TPI, the "Transport Provider Interface", a spec you
>can ftp from ftp.ui.org in pub/osi/tpi.ps.  The socket library talks to
>TPI just like TLI does.  Both require a special kernel streams module
>to help: sockmod and timod.  (Rago correctly talks about this in Section
>12.3 of his book "UNIX System V Network Programming".)  TLI may be "closer"
>to TPI than sockets (since they're both made to look OSI-ish) but to say
>that sockets in SVR4 are built on top is TLI is plain wrong.
I tried to ftp to get this document and the site "ftp.ui.org" is
unknown.  archie says it is at "uiunix.ui.org."  That site is also
unknown.   Some snooping says that the databases don't have an ip number
for a "ui.org."

I would like to get this document. Any ideas on how to get it (IP # for
this site or another site that has it).
Hank van Cleef  	     The Union Institute  History of Science
	E-mail vancleef@netcom.com or vancleef@tmn.com  