*BSD News Article 28890

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From: loki@convex1.tcs.tulane.edu (the mischeivious god)
Newsgroups: comp.os.386bsd.questions
Subject: Installing freeBSD
Date: 29 Mar 1994 00:05:56 GMT
Organization: Tulane University, New Orleans, LA
Lines: 21
Message-ID: <2n7rd4$lke@news.cs.tulane.edu>
NNTP-Posting-Host: convex1.tcs.tulane.edu

Hi ho news world!

I just got my cd-rom copy of freeBSD...it did not come with an installation
diskette....and to make it bootable I would have to format it from an already 
operating BSD system right? So how can they call it an installation diskette?

Rather installation version...(it is not on diskette which is the problem.)
Now I am lucky in that I am already running Linux.

Can Linux make a bootable diskette ( yes I know it can ...) but would it 
fly well with the freeBSD binaries that would eventually be added to it.

Additionally let us just say that I did not run a partition on my system with some form of Unix in it...Would DOS or OS/2 getthe job done...ie make a bootabl
floppy that I could copy all the files from the cdrom necessary to installl
the cdrom...

Which comes first the chicken of the egg....Thank you to Walnut Creek CD-rom
for the non-accessable documentation and boot/install files....

reply to loki@convex1.tcs.tulane.edu