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From: mitch@corp.cirrus.com (Mitch Wright)
Message-ID: <9404150105.AA14837@lx100.corp.cirrus.com>
Reply-To: mitch@corp.cirrus.com
Subject: UNIX on a portable
Date: Thu, 14 Apr 1994 18:05:17 +0800
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Greetings.  First I would like to ask that any responses be directed to
me via E-mail (mitch@corp.cirrus.com).  I will summarize as appropriate.

I am soliciting opinions on the best portable (laptop or notebook) in which
to run either Linux or one of the BSD variants.  To narrow the field, I
have a few requirements that I am looking for in such a system plus a
"would be nice" list.


   My system would need what I'd consider the standards -- capable of having
enough disk/RAM to run the OS + X11.  In addition the disk should have enough
capacity to give me 50Mb of play space.  This is after the OS is installed
and has a complete run-time system + compilers & libraries.  Complete OS
source on-line is not necessary.  Would be nice if I could set aside a DOS
partition (20Mb) for the sake of having it available.  My guess is that 8Mb
of RAM might be OK?  Would prefer a system that accepts 1Mb SIMMS (1x9) to 
achieve this.  Oh, and a serial port for a modem!

It needs to be network ready -- I want to be able to plug this into my
network at home (and work). 10baseT out of a PCMCIA card is not out of
the question if the OS has some level of support for it.  I'm not
opposed to tweaking a partially working driver for this either...

Color or Monochrome?  Makes little difference to me.  Color kills the battery
life, but most of the time I can run it off the socket anyway.

Speed?  I'll leave this open -- reasonably fast should suffice.  I don't want
to wait 20 minutes while I recompile the kernel, but I don't expect it to be
done right after I hit return.

"Would be nice"

   Ideally, I could switch back and forth between the flat panel's display
and some standard PC monitor.  Even better would allow me to plug in a
standard size keyboard.

Multiple network ports would be super.  In particular if one could be
an ISDN link I would be thrilled.  Both should be able to be active at the
same time however.  I suppose this means 2 PCMCIA slots...

SCSI port would be nice with support for a CD-ROM drive.


Given all of that, I'd like your input on any system that meet the modest
requirements I have.  The more detail the better -- For example:

	You can run 386BSD Version 9.75 on a Acme 486/66 Model 8649. It
	has a built-in twisted pair connector which is supported under
	BSD-9.75.  They only have an active color model, but you can
	plug in a mono. monitor as well as a 101 kybd.  Has 10 PCMCIA
	slots (5 type I and 5 type II).  You are limited to only one
	9Gb Seagate drive internally, but it does have two external
	SCSI-II connectors.  As a down side, it can only take one 
	16Mb proprietary memory card.  I've seen then sold at K-mart
	for $19.95, but they aren't selling fast since the 586 Model
	is due out next week -- that one will actually have a serial port!

Again, please respond via E-mail.  Since I don't have a "free-unix" system
yet, I don't follow these newgroups closely.



Mitch Wright