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Path: sserve!manuel!!mips!mips!swrinde!gatech!ukma!news From: (John Soward) Newsgroups: comp.unix.bsd Subject: Re: Tiny 386BSD install source? Swapping problems? Message-ID: <> Date: 2 Aug 92 21:39:03 GMT References: <NOP.92Aug2154901@theory.Mankato.MSUS.EDU> Sender: (USENET News System) Organization: University Of Kentucky, Dept. of Math Sciences Lines: 19 Nntp-Posting-Host: writes -> Is the source to the install program on the Tiny 386BSD disk available -> anywhere? I'd like to make a version that installs 10M of swap -> instead of 5M, since on the machines I use, 386BSD sorta falls over -> dead when it reaches the limit of swap space. I manually installed a -> 10M swap partition on one machine, and things were much improved. I -> can't say I'd like to repeat the process for the ~20 machines I need -> to install on, though. Gee, I was thinking of doing just the same thing myself. If possible could the source be put on an archive somewhere? thanx, -- ________________________________________________________________________ / 'The midnight sun will burn you up" -The Cure, Piggy in the Mirror / / | (NeXT Mail) / /_______________________________________________________________________/