*BSD News Article 29645

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From: brian@demon.uucp (Brian Murray)
Subject: Re: Berkeley Daemon artwork?
Message-ID: <1994Apr23.095321.24551@usage.csd.unsw.OZ.AU>
Sender: news@usage.csd.unsw.OZ.AU
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Organization: University Of New South Wales
References: <CoMpsq.L4q@biles.com> <JOSHUA5.94Apr22134047@csa.bu.edu>
Date: Sat, 23 Apr 1994 09:53:21 GMT
Lines: 13

In article <JOSHUA5.94Apr22134047@csa.bu.edu> joshua5@cs.bu.edu writes:
>The rendition of the Berkeley Daemon that I have on a poster from Berkeley
>Software Design, Inc in my office reads "Copyright 1988 by Marshall Kirk
>McKusick.  All Rights Reserved.  Reprinted with permission."  The drawing
>is signed by John Lasseter.

Interestingly enough, if I recall correctly, John Lassiter is responsible
for Pixar's "Red's Dream", "Luxo Jr." etc. animations! Fancy that.

------------------------------------------------ Brian Murray ---
brian@demon.csd.unsw.edu.au CBX250 Apple//c VAX 11/750 SGI Indigo