*BSD News Article 29736

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From: guy@dearg.cuillin.org.uk (Guy Dawson)
Newsgroups: comp.unix.bsd
Subject: Re: *BSD   NFS speed card stability
Date: 27 Apr 1994 06:09:23 GMT
Organization: Cuillin
Lines: 34
Distribution: world
Message-ID: <2pkvij$8om@dearg.cuillin.org.uk>
References: <2p9b69$3fo@hermes.fwi.uva.nl> <2ph7tu$2aa@dearg.cuillin.org.uk> <2pjutu$k8c@GRAPEVINE.LCS.MIT.EDU>
NNTP-Posting-Host: dearg.cuillin.org.uk

In article <2pjutu$k8c@GRAPEVINE.LCS.MIT.EDU>, wollman@ginger.lcs.mit.edu (Garrett Wollman) writes:
|> In article <2ph7tu$2aa@dearg.cuillin.org.uk>,
|> Guy Dawson <guy@dearg.cuillin.org.uk> wrote:
|> >I've not heard of any RFS systems available on *BSD - RFS is very
|> >much an USL thing - developed at AT&T after the AT&T/BSD split.
|> Depends on which ``RFS'' you're referring to; I know of at least two.

Implementations or protocols or different things altogether?

I only know of the NFS-alike system, what else is out there?

|> (Not that it matters all that much 'cos both of them are practically
|> dead anyway....)

True - but I like to right wrongs! :-)

|> -GAWollman
|> -- 
|> Garrett A. Wollman   | Shashish is simple, it's discreet, it's brief. ... 
|> wollman@lcs.mit.edu  | Shashish is the bonding of hearts in spite of distance.
|> formerly known as    | It is a bond more powerful than absence.  We like people
|> wollman@emba.uvm.edu | who like Shashish.  - Claude McKenzie + Florent Vollant


-- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
Guy Dawson 	home	:	guy@cuillin.org.uk
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