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Xref: sserve comp.unix.internals:7174 comp.unix.bsd:13921 comp.unix.sys5.r4:7231 Path: sserve!!!news.Hawaii.Edu!ames!hookup!!!!!!not-for-mail From: (J M Thompson) Newsgroups: comp.unix.internals,comp.unix.bsd,comp.unix.sys5.r4 Subject: Re: Pushing/Popping Signal Catching Functions Date: 3 May 1994 23:36:21 -0400 Organization: The Internet Lines: 18 Message-ID: <2q757l$> References: <2q63js$> NNTP-Posting-Host: It appears that I have been promoted to the category of luser :-). After posting the orginal question, I did more rtfm in a book titled _POSIX_Programmer's_Guide_ by Donald Levine. He discussed how to implement my requirement, pages 114-117, 412-413. With this background I went back to Steven's book and it turns out that there was a discussion on how to do what I wanted to do, but it was not as clear as it was in Levine's book. Anyway, the answer to my question is the POSIX function call sigaction. I have not implemented it yet, but from the two books, it looks like it will do what I need. -- Jim Thompson email: phone: 703-759-8252