*BSD News Article 30815

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Xref: sserve comp.os.386bsd.questions:10432 comp.dcom.modems:51991
Path: sserve!newshost.anu.edu.au!harbinger.cc.monash.edu.au!yarrina.connect.com.au!warrane.connect.com.au!kralizec.zeta.org.au!not-for-mail
From: bde@kralizec.zeta.org.au (Bruce Evans)
Newsgroups: comp.os.386bsd.questions,comp.dcom.modems
Subject: Re: FreeBSD/TrailBlazer Plus dialin problem
Date: 22 May 1994 21:42:04 +1000
Organization: Kralizec Dialup Unix Sydney - +61-2-837-1183, v.32bis v.42bis
Lines: 21
Message-ID: <2rngec$27l@kralizec.zeta.org.au>
References: <Cq0E7t.JtG@itcyyz.ipsa.reuter.com>
NNTP-Posting-Host: kralizec.zeta.org.au

In article <Cq0E7t.JtG@itcyyz.ipsa.reuter.com>,
Frank Mandarino <fam@itcyyz.ipsa.reuter.com> wrote:
>I'm running FreeBSD 1.1.0(Gamma) with a Telebit TrailBlazer Plus modem
>connected to /dev/tty00 and a Telebit WorldBlazer on /dev/tty01.  The
> ...
>Dial out on both ports and dial in on the WorldBlazer port works
>perfectly.  Dial in on the TrailBlazer Plus port, however, does not
>work.  The TB+ answers the call, successfully negotiates the protocol
>and speed so that the calling side sees the CONNECT message, but then
>the TB+ side immediately hangs up the call.

This is probably caused by a bug in dial in code.  It drops DTR for a
few microseconds after carrier rises.  The TB+ is apparently fast enough
to see this.

There may be a way to configure the TB+ to ignore transients changes
of DTR.

The bug should be fixed in FreeBSD-current in a couple of weeks.
Bruce Evans  bde@kralizec.zeta.org.au