*BSD News Article 30905

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From: klier@cs.tu-berlin.de (Jan Klier)
Newsgroups: comp.os.386bsd.bugs
Subject: Re: Cannot mount floppy formatted with mformat
Date: 26 May 1994 05:16:52 GMT
Organization: Technical University of Berlin, Germany
Lines: 28
Message-ID: <2s1bc4$mds@news.cs.tu-berlin.de>
References: <2rhveg$4bh@alvman.RoBIN.de> <2s0eku$bhp@hopscotch.ksr.com>
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jfw@ksr.com (John F. Woods) writes:

>ah@alvman.RoBIN.de (Andreas Haakh) writes:
>>Has enybode else encountered this problem. Whenever I format a floppy with
>>mformat I cann access it with mtools, can read it from DOS but I'm unable
>>to mout it (mount -t pcfs /dev/fd?a).

>What OS are you running?  A long time ago, NetBSD had this problem because
>it checked for some particular values in an optional boot header on the
>MSDOS disk image.  At some point in the distant past, that check got taken
>out (I think well before NetBSD-0.9).

  I discovered the same problem, running the recent FreeBSD-1.1-RELEASE.
This problem occured when I tried to install this release from floppies
which I made on a sun workstation using mformat and mwrite.

  Using these floppies with the mtools is no problem. Using these floppies
under DOS is no problem either.

  The error message issued by mount_pcfs is <invalid argument> if I remember
it right.

*********** Freedom is inversely proportional to security ******************
Jan Klier                                                    Berlin, Germany
e-mail: klier@cs.tu-berlin.de                CIS:                100022,1700
        Jan.Klier@ipk.fhg.de                      100022.1700@compuserve.com