*BSD News Article 32566

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From: lliu@u.washington.edu ()
Newsgroups: comp.os.386bsd.questions
Subject: [FreeBSD 1.1R] Can't use internet domain socket?
Date: 8 Jul 1994 05:05:52 GMT
Organization: University of Washington
Lines: 13
Message-ID: <2vimrg$gop@news.u.washington.edu>
NNTP-Posting-Host: stein4.u.washington.edu

Hi there,

   Suddenly my 1.1R machine refuses any internet domain socket connection.
The error message is

Can't assign requested address

I was able to connect to port 4000 yesterday, but today when I turn on my
machine, all the internet domain socket connections are not available. I
can't even ftp or telnet to my own machine. Can anyone tell me what's
wrong? Thanks.
