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Path: sserve!!!!!!!!bti!!!wjin From: (Woody Jin) Newsgroups: comp.os.386bsd.questions Subject: Re: Good 3 button mouse for FreeBSD Date: 28 Jul 1994 06:36:59 GMT Organization: University of Houston Lines: 29 Message-ID: <317jmb$> References: <311uj1$> <> NNTP-Posting-Host: In article <>, Michael L. VanLoon <> wrote: >In <311uj1$> (Steven Kornreich) writes: > >>Can someone recommend a good 3 button mouse for running X386 under >>FreeBSD. > >I have an older Logitech bus mouse that works perfectly under XFree86 >on NetBSD-1.0. Is this EISA SCSI-IV mouse ? :) Imsi mouse is the best 3 button mouse I've ever used. It costs only $15 or less (and comes with Lemmings game - so I have two copies of Lemmings). It can be switched to MicroSoft mouse compatible (there is a switch under the mouse). When used in 3 button mode, it is PC-mouse compatible. I have no problem with this mouse at least under Unix/Xwindow. Ironically, I have a problem with the mouse and the Lemmings game that they provided free, which seems to me a bug in their MS-DOS driver. The best part of the mouse is that it has relatively heavy and smooth ball and so it never skips or stops while you are moving the mouse, which is really the annoying feature of the EISA SCSI-IV mouse :) :) (and many other mice also). -- Woody Jin