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Xref: sserve comp.os.386bsd.misc:3052 comp.os.linux.misc:21193 Path: sserve!!!msuinfo!agate!!!!gatech!udel!!!not-for-mail From: (Wallace Roberts) Newsgroups: comp.os.386bsd.misc,comp.os.linux.misc Subject: Re: source of TCP/IP (was I hope this wont ignite a major flame ...) Date: 5 Aug 1994 16:59:07 -0700 Organization: agcs Lines: 33 Message-ID: <31ujob$> References: <31od8d$> <31pc9l$> <> NNTP-Posting-Host: (Michael L. VanLoon) writes: > (Wallace Roberts) writes: [ ...yet another snip happens... ] >>if you're writing (or fixing) a device driver, you are expected to have >>the h/w manuals handy. comments are unnecessary if you have the device >>manual & understand the h/w. this is the expected level of competence >>for a programmer writing or fixing a device driver. > >In other words: real hackers don't need comments, because they can >figure it out from the magic numbers. "if you can't stand the heat of the kitchen..." besides, complaining about the dearth of comments in free device-driver code smacks strongly of looking a gift horse in the mouth, not to mention whining. >Yup, that's a real strong argument. Sheesh! Even Microsoft writes >their code better than that... (Yes, I do know.) ---------------------------------^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ you've viewed microlimp code? do the lobotomy scars still show? "beware the power of the darkside." gears, ye wilde ryder -- | 86 cr250 "dirt devil" 83 v65 magna "animal" "E Pluribus Unix" | 79 it250 "mr. reliable" 84 650 nighthawk ">> for sale <<" "Criminals (especially tyrants) prefer unarmed victims." "Ignorance can be cured; stupidity, on the other hand, is hereditary."