*BSD News Article 34153

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From: stark!gene@newsserv.cs.sunysb.edu (Gene Stark)
Newsgroups: comp.os.386bsd.questions
Subject: Re: Cant add new account in FreeBSD
Date: 10 Aug 94 21:21:51
Organization: Gene Stark's home system
Lines: 14
Distribution: world
Message-ID: <STARK!GENE.94Aug10212151@stark.uucp>
References: <wgalazka.180.2E4621E6@chem.uw.edu.pl>
NNTP-Posting-Host: home.stark.cs.sunysb.edu
In-reply-to: wgalazka@chem.uw.edu.pl's message of Mon, 8 Aug 1994 12:15:34 GMT

In article <wgalazka.180.2E4621E6@chem.uw.edu.pl> wgalazka@chem.uw.edu.pl (Wojciech Galazka) writes:

   Hi all,
   I'm, trying to set up new account on my FreeBSD I've added
   new line to /etc/passwd and to /etc/master.passwd but nothing happened :(
   Seems to me these two files are not read at all ! I still get that root's name 
   is Charlie Roor although I've changed "Charlie Root" in /etc/master.passwd
   to "El Commendante" - finger still claims it's "Charlie ":( 
   What should I do now ?


	pwd_mkdb /etc/master.passwd