*BSD News Article 34322

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From: marc@cleese.apana.org.au (Marc Dodsworth)
Newsgroups: comp.os.386bsd.questions
Subject: Help - Problem with XFree
Date: 14 Aug 1994 13:34:40 +0930
Organization: cleese.apana.org.au Public Access UNIX +61-8-3736006
Lines: 24
Message-ID: <32k54o$lf7@cleese.apana.org.au>
NNTP-Posting-Host: cleese.apana.org.au

If some one could help me with a little problem it would be appreciated.

I am running FreeBSD with Xfree86 2.1.  The kernel has be 
compiled to suit my system and seems to be working okay.

My problem is that whenever I try to runXfree, it crashes.  The grey background
appears than the system returns to the prompt.

For some reason, desktop manager is core-dumping.  I've tried olvwm, fvwm and 
twm all with the same result.  If I change back to my 1.5(gamma) kernel every
thing works okay.

My System is a 486DX/33, 8Mb ram and Tseng Labs ET4000 ISA card.

All help is appreciated.

**                  Australian Public Access Network Association            ** 
** Marc Dodsworth           **    "All that is seen or seems                **
** Marc@master.apana.org.au **       is but a dream within a dream"         **
** Marc@cleese.apana.org.au **             Edgar Allen Poe                  **