*BSD News Article 34424

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Path: sserve!newshost.anu.edu.au!munnari.oz.au!quagga.ru.ac.za!Braae!g89r4222
From: csgr@cs.ru.ac.za (Geoff Rehmet)
Newsgroups: comp.os.386bsd.development
Subject: Re: Wishlist: FreeBSD 2.0
Date: 16 Aug 1994 18:45:49 GMT
Organization: Rhodes University Computing Services
Lines: 35
Message-ID: <32r1gt$nk1@quagga.ru.ac.za>
References: <777048964.AA03114@f74.n700.z6.ftn.air.org>
Reply-To: csgr@cs.ru.ac.za
NNTP-Posting-Host: braae.ru.ac.za
X-Newsreader: NN version 6.5.0 #4 (NOV)

In <777048964.AA03114@f74.n700.z6.ftn.air.org> Clarence.Chu@f132.n700.z6.ftn.air.org (Clarence Chu) writes:

>Hi Netter,
>I have a wishlist for the upcoming FreeBSD-2.0
>1) that the major number of shared library be '1' with minor number 
>   be increased to make previously compiled binaries to work
This is unfortunately impossible, since the interfaces of many libraries
have changed in 4.4-Lite.  2.0 will have the shared lib major # or 2,
and we hope to be able to ship a compatibility package with 1.x shared
libs.  BTW: 1.x shared libs DO work under 2.0.

>2) Gcc-2.6X be incorporated so as to facilitate Fresco/X11R6
gcc 2.6 has already been incorporated

>3) Mach pthread library and multi-thread features be implemented
>   to allow for experiencing multi-threaded X server.
Hmm, has anybody thought of something like this?  -- any takers?

>4) .....long ( 6 years from AT&T anouncement ) awaited iBCS support.
iBCS2 support is currently under development, and will be integrated
into 2.0 at some stage.

>5) cross compiler to ?????? processor can be made using the stock 
>   compiler.
Hmm, I think that this is not a frequently required item, and at
present more people would be inconvenienced by the additional size of a
cross compiler.

 Geoff Rehmet, Computer Science Department,   | ____   _ o         /\
  Rhodes University,  South Africa            |___  _-\_<,        / /\/\
 FreeBSD core team                            |    (*)/'(*)    /\/ /  \ \
     csgr@cs.ru.ac.za, csgr@freefall.cdrom.com, geoff@neptune.ru.ac.za