*BSD News Article 34868

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Newsgroups: comp.os.386bsd.bugs
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From: ljg@space.physics.uiowa.edu (Larry Granroth)
Subject: Re: routing from PPP to Internet
Message-ID: <Cunq9y.Iwu@space.physics.uiowa.edu>
Sender: news@space.physics.uiowa.edu
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Organization: The University of Iowa, Department of Physics and Astronomy
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References: <1994Aug16.182600.16968@arl.mil>
Date: Wed, 17 Aug 1994 02:15:33 GMT
Lines: 12

Steve Lesh (ISC|jamesf) <lesh> (lesh@arl.mil) wrote:
. . .
: 	I am not able to have IP packets originating at the PPP
: client machine passed through the PPP server to its ethernet
: interface to the Internet gateway.
. . .

I don't have experience with PPP (or SLIP) but for Ethernet-Ethernet
routing you need to have the GATEWAY option enabled in your config file.
