*BSD News Article 34926

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From: towen@relay.nswc.navy.mil (Thomas Owen - K104)
Subject: Enterprise-Wide Network Printing Administration Solution
Message-ID: <towen.94.01363A1F@relay.nswc.navy.mil>
Sender: news@relay
Organization: Code K104, Naval Surface Warfare Center
X-Newsreader: Trumpet for Windows [Version 1.0 Rev B]
Date: Wed, 24 Aug 1994 18:23:01 GMT
Lines: 39

We are developing an Enterprise-Wide Network Printing
Strategy/Solution that will allow the users on any platform to
access any printer to which they are authorized.  This solution
will most likely rely upon numerous networked multi-protocol
print servers that are accessed by various platforms including
Novell clients, Unix (BSD and System V) clients, UNIX (BSD and
System V) application servers, and standalone desktop
workstations (e.g., IBM PC or MacIntosh).  This system is
envisioned to encompass at least 1500 printers and a similar
number of clients and application servers.

One of the major problems will be in the administration of the
printcaps, queues, etc., in the UNIX environment and desktop
workstation environment.  Novell servers will allow the user to
select any printer from a single menu tree that includes all
resources from all servers.  Adding or deleting a printer can be
accomplished by a single administrative action (at a single
location or on each server as appropriate) with the results
automatically distributed to the participating servers as

However, there does not appear to be a similar capability in the
UNIX environment.  It is not feasible to have 1500 printcap
entries on every client or application server especially if all
need to be updated via a non-automatic means.  Has anyone
attempted to solve this problem or have any information that may
be helpful?  Any help would be greatly appreciated.

In addition, there are several hosts that are VMS based and are
running Wollongong TCPIP software.  Again, any help here would be
greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance,
Tom Owen
Thomas F. Owen                        Naval Surface Warfare Center
  towen@relay.nswc.navy.mil           Dahlgren Division
Work: (703) 663-7614                  17320 Dahlgren Road
Fax:  (703) 663-7999                  Dahlgren, VA 22448-5100