*BSD News Article 34968

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From: michael@resonex.com (Michael Bryan)
Subject: Re: Call for 386BSD Rel.1.0 SIG (Special Interest Group)
Message-ID: <1994Aug26.122947.6409@resonex.com>
Organization: Resonex Holding Corporation, Fremont CA
References: <3319ti$7rl@agate.berkeley.edu> <1994Aug23.170100.7763@system9.unisys.com> <jmonroyCv240o.22n@netcom.com> <1994Aug25.064656.3051@cs.brown.edu>
Date: Fri, 26 Aug 1994 12:29:47 GMT
Lines: 22

Mark Weaver <mhw@cs.brown.edu> wrote:
>Jesus Monroy Jr <jmonroy@netcom.com> wrote:
>>	Since you've missed the first question, perhaps we should 
>>	take a stab at this question again.
>I've noticed that you have a habit of avoiding questions whenever
>you have anything even vaguely resembling an excuse to do so.

Heck, I wouldn't even go that far.  Sometimes he doesn't have *any*
excuse, not even an incredibly poor one.  ;-)

>	Mark "can't believe he took the bait" Weaver

Y'know, somebody really should be archiving all of these JMonroy
threads.  It could become an incredibly humourous archive...

____     Children of a future age      ____
\  /    Reading this indignant page    \  /
 \/     Know that in a former time      \/          Michael Bryan
   Love, sweet love, was thought a crime            michael@resonex.com