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Xref: sserve comp.os.386bsd.development:2631 comp.os.linux.development:17633 comp.unix.bsd:15106 Path: sserve!!!msuinfo!caen!!!MathWorks.Com!!sgiblab!!!!!jkh From: (Jordan K. Hubbard) Newsgroups: comp.os.386bsd.development,comp.os.linux.development,comp.unix.bsd Subject: Re: We a FAQ: Linux vs. *BSD!!! Date: 17 Oct 1994 00:38:57 GMT Organization: Walnut Creek CD-ROM Lines: 34 Message-ID: <> References: <> <> <> <> NNTP-Posting-Host: In-reply-to:'s message of Sat, 15 Oct 1994 21:14:28 GMT In article <> (Jesus Monroy Jr) writes: please consider the damage that a newbie could do, if they answered the question. That alone should convince you of the unsoundness of your idea. Newbies can do so much potential damage in general that I find it really difficult to get particularly excited about this One Piddly Little Issue. Yes, there is a big problem with this idea, but we have a bigger problem. That is, I'm tired of agruing with you (and a hunderd) other converts (sp?). I know for a fact I can't get you to do the 386bsd thing with me, so why should I bother. By the same token, I am not going to allow you to "bad-mouth" 386bsd. Given the oppertunity (sp?) I will continue. You know my staying power in this issue and we won't have any winners in an on going "flame-war". This is a good solution so that we my go back to work. Mind you, next week I'm interviewing for a job of about $70K. I won't fight you, but I can sure make it so you can't win.... Whatever, Jesus. I'm still just trying to get past the idea that someone would pay you anything, much less $70K! :-) Let us all know the name of the company so we can avoid their stock! If you re-read my original statement, I said each appropriate group would maintain their respective portion of the FAQ. I wasn't even responding to your message, sheesh! Please read your messages more carefully. Jordan