*BSD News Article 37431

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From: cory_kempf@avid.com (Cory Kempf)
Newsgroups: comp.unix.bsd
Subject: Re: bsd unix for the Mac
Date: Mon, 24 Oct 1994 16:44:06 -0400
Organization: Avid Technology, Inc.  Tewksbury, MA
Lines: 20
Message-ID: <cory_kempf-2410941644060001@ckempf.avid.com>
References: <g.isaacs-1810940844580001@tegisaac.slip.cc.uq.oz.au>
NNTP-Posting-Host: ckempf.avid.com

In article <g.isaacs-1810940844580001@tegisaac.slip.cc.uq.oz.au>,
g.isaacs@mailbox.uq.oz.au (Geoff Isaacs) wrote:

> I know it's almost a faq, and I do monitor this group fairly regularly,
> but what is the current state of play with free unix (bsd, net bsd, linux
> etc) for the Mac? 
> I have a Powerbook 180 and a Quadra 610 and would really love to have unix
> on one or the other (preferably the Quadra).

Well, it is not free, but Tennon sells MachTen, a version of Mach/BSD 4.3
that runs on Macs.

'far as I know, it runs o both of those machines.


Cory Kempf                                   Cory_Kempf@avid.com
      "Signature under construction -- hard hat area"