*BSD News Article 38536

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From: srd@garion.it.com.au (Stephen Darragh)
Newsgroups: comp.os.386bsd.questions
Subject: Micropolis 1598-15 drive
Date: 29 Nov 1994 01:46:52 +0800
Organization: Informed Technology, Western Australia
Lines: 31
Message-ID: <3bd52c$r6@garion.it.com.au>
NNTP-Posting-Host: garion.it.com.au
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[ Article crossposted from comp.os.386bsd.misc ]
[ Author was Stephen Darragh (srd@garion.it.com.au) ]
[ Posted on 29 Nov 1994 01:45:42 +0800 ]


I have two 1 gigabyte SCSI-2 drives in my system on an Adaptec 1542B
SHA.  One is a Seagate ST1200N, and the other is a Micropolis

The problem is that the 1598 identifies itself as being SCSI-1 capable
instead of SCSI-2, which seems to be messing up other things.

The documentation with the drive makes no mention of this being
selectable with a jumper or otherwise.

Does anyone know anything more about these drives and what might be

Stephen Darragh                                    Informed Technology
Wembley Downs, Western Australia                   +61-9-245-2279
srd@it.com.au          sdarragh@tartarus.uwa.edu.au
root@it.com.au         itadm@uniwa.uwa.edu.au

Stephen Darragh                                    Informed Technology
Wembley Downs, Western Australia                   +61-9-245-2279
srd@it.com.au          sdarragh@tartarus.uwa.edu.au
root@it.com.au         itadm@uniwa.uwa.edu.au