*BSD News Article 38588

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Xref: sserve comp.os.386bsd.development:2731 comp.lang.basic.visual:27186 comp.lang.basic.visual.misc:653 comp.databases.sybase:11424
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From: rolenewa@uoguelph.ca (Ricardo Olenewa)
Newsgroups: comp.os.386bsd.development,comp.lang.basic.visual,comp.lang.basic.visual.misc,comp.databases.sybase
Subject: Re: Visual Basic vs. PowerBuilder
Followup-To: comp.os.386bsd.development,comp.lang.basic.visual,comp.lang.basic.visual.misc,comp.databases.sybase
Date: 29 Nov 1994 15:54:28 GMT
Organization: University of Guelph
Lines: 24
Message-ID: <3bfirk$5g@nermal.cs.uoguelph.ca>
References: <davebo.18.0010EDAE@mcs.com> <3be6q8$8ts@nermal.cs.uoguelph.ca> <dil.admin.1241.0008B1DB@mhs.unc.edu> <D01AKq.2n3@aplcenmp.apl.jhu.edu>
NNTP-Posting-Host: gadwall.cs.uoguelph.ca
X-Newsreader: TIN [version 1.2 PL2]

: If you develop ONE application in PB vs VB, you might find they compare.
: But if you understand OO paradigm and either buy or make a good class
: library for PB, development is much easier in PB.  Even internally to
: an application, inheritance is an incredible thing that VB frankly
: lacks.  I found that even in my first project with PB, I saved a lot of
: time with just inheriting standard data entry screens within the application
: I was writing (Not using class library at the time).  

	Agreed. However, you can build up a pseudo-library if your code is 
flexible enough. But for that matter you could have one developer spend 
all their time on this one task. This is one area in which competitive 
environments tend to beat out VB (ie. SmallTalk, PB). I wonder when MS is 
going to get off of their buts and develop this a little further. 

"Man is born free, but everywhere he is in chains" - Jean-Jacques Rosseau

Ricardo Olenewa			U of Goo		rolenewa@uoguelph.ca
Room 50			   The Flamingo Hotel                   L\A L\A Land