*BSD News Article 38803

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Xref: sserve comp.os.386bsd.development:2759 comp.lang.basic.visual:27381 comp.lang.basic.visual.misc:743 comp.databases.sybase:11506
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From: btobin@infinet.com (Bruce S. Tobin)
Newsgroups: comp.os.386bsd.development,comp.lang.basic.visual,comp.lang.basic.visual.misc,comp.databases.sybase
Subject: Re: Visual Basic vs. PowerBuilder
Date: 2 Dec 1994 01:13:32 GMT
Organization: InfiNet - Internet Access (614/224-3410)
Lines: 30
Message-ID: <3blsbs$4m8@rigel.infinet.com>
References: <davebo.18.0010EDAE@mcs.com> <3be6q8$8ts@nermal.cs.uoguelph.ca>
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Ricardo Olenewa (rolenewa@uoguelph.ca) wrote:
: Dave Borowiec (davebo@mcs.com) wrote:
: : Has anyone done a comparison of these 2 tools?  We are running Sybase System 
: : 10 on Unix on an HP9000 series 800 server.  We plan to do Windows client 
: : development using one of these 2 packages.  Any information/results would be 
: : appreciated....Of course, any general comments would be great, too!  
: : Thanks in advance.

: 	If you're looking to do. From the sounds of your setup, it looks 
: like you need a serious Client/Server environment, in which case 
: Powerbuilder would be the way to go. On the other hand -- if you're 
: looking for a quick and dirty way of making a user friendly front-end, 
: then you could squeak by with VB.
: <other opinions welcome>

 I'll take you up on that, since my opinion is directly counter to yours.
Developing C/S apps in VB is more difficult than with PB, because PB builds
a lot of the functionality you need into the base product, while with VB you
must build or buy it.  But VB apps run faster and are more stable.  In 
addition there is no guarantee that you will be able to do everything you
need to do with PB; many developers report 'hitting the wall' and being 
forced to write C or C++ to get the job done (PB does enable you to call 
external DLLs).  VB can do anything that can be done at all in the Windows

 In sum: PB is more productive (if it can handle the job in question). VB is
more flexible, more stable, and a better performer.  

 By the way, you might want to post your question to 
comp.soft-sys.powerbuilder also.