*BSD News Article 38967

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Xref: sserve comp.os.386bsd.misc:4318 alt.folklore.computers:69094
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From: gunnar@bitcon.no (Gunnar Helliesen)
Newsgroups: comp.os.386bsd.misc,alt.folklore.computers
Subject: Re: BSD sluggish compared to Linux?
Followup-To: alt.folklore.computers
Date: 5 Dec 1994 00:07:49 GMT
Organization: Bergen IT Consult AS
Lines: 45
Message-ID: <3btlkl$b1p@cray.bitcon.no>
References: <3am248$7kv@itu1.sun.ac.za> <3ao31t$9fo@itu1.sun.ac.za> <1994Nov21.000855.124757@slate.mines.colorado.edu> <3atqbj$9u5@muise.hookup.net> <Czq128.506@bonkers.taronga.com> <3b0ut5$637@itu1.sun.ac.za> <3bbi0r$dff@muise.hookup.net>  <Pine.OSF.3.91.941128105220.32580A-100000@broken.isltd.insignia.com> <3bj6cc$khg@cray.bitcon.no> <3bk788$prr@itu1.sun.ac.za>
NNTP-Posting-Host: bedrock.bitcon.no
X-Newsreader: NN version 6.5.0 #5 (NOV)

arichfld@cs.sun.ac.za (Antony Richfield) writes:

>One interesting thing I note from this, (which finally brings this thread into
>the realm of a.f.c) is the differing attitudes of various people to the 
>internet and the various things that can be done to/on it.  Especially
>the attitudes which some display of:" Don't BUG us "
>and others  of "OK, we won't mind what you do as long as it isn't actually

Good point. I guess most people would regard Canter & Siegel's ad to every
newsgroup from here to hell and back as antisocial. Many (most?) regard 
that as unacceptable behavior on the Internet/USENET. The question is: 
Will we just have to accept that kind of thing as the price of the freedom
of speech we enjoy here? I mean, what is the alternative? That every group
be moderated? That would wake up the shub-internet pretty fast... ;-)
If we say that we've gotta stop this kind of behavior once and for all, 
then we'll have to answer this question at once: Who's going to police
the Internet?

Which reminds me of a famous quote (but who said it?): "It's always september
somewhere on the net". It's true, of course. There will also always be
new AOL and Delphi users connecting to the net. What kind of community do
we want here, and how are we going to respond to antisocial/destructive
behavior? And who will decide what is acceptable and what is not? Who,
if anyone, should be called in to act?

I'd like to recommend Mike Godwin's article "Censorship on the net" in the
september(!) issue of _Micro Times_, he has some interesting thoughts on
the subject. (Godwin serves as staff counsel for the EFF)

>Just remarking in general ... feel free to flame me.

Nah, what on earth for? You're just expressing your views... ;-)

Followups set to a.f.c., as this has wandered a bit off from the original
subject of Linux vs. BSD (surprise!)


--                                         __   _
Gunnar Helliesen   | This .sig is     |   / /  (_)__  __ ____  __ | The choice
Systems Consultant | stolen property! |  / /__/ / _ \/ // /\ \/ / |  of a GNU
gunnar@bitcon.no   | Vicki who??      | /____/_/_//_/\_,_/ /_/\_\ | Generation